Hi @rajanprabu
Please refer the enclosed file which list all the order status.
in status you'll get - *Modified
(previous trigger pending order)
in order status - trigger pending
Hi @rajanprabu
Please refer the enclosed file which list all the order status.
in status you'll get - *Modified
(previous trigger pending order)
in order status - trigger pending
We apologize for the discrepancy in the API documentation and the actual data received. Our API is currently limited to returning a maximum of 500 records per request. We have update the members on this post -
@PareshBhatiya @mudit236 @Phanilbb
We are aware of the error being faced by clients. Our team is currently looking into the internal error issue and working towards a resolution. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience as we work towards a solution.
Hi @Reddy We are checking this. Regret the inconvenience caused.
HI @Reddy Have you incorporated the new change which are done yesterday.
Hello, while buying and selling both, the quantity should be 50 for 1 lot in your case.
We tried to reproduce your issue, but it worked fine for us.
HI Everyone, (@Ashok @mihirshah2500 @rajanprabu @Saidareddy )
We are excited to announce the launch of our new login service that now allows users to login with their PIN in addition to their password.
The new login service solves the problem of newly onboarded Angel One clients who were unable to access SmartAPI due to non-availability of the password, and also solves the problem of users who have forgotten their passwords and were unable to reset them.
Starting today, users will be able to use either their PIN or password to authenticate with Angel One SmartAPI with the existing loginByPassword API endpoint.
The request structure of the current loginbyPassword API endpoint is as below:
"password":"Your_Password" OR "Your_PIN"
Likewise, to set up the one time TOTP on https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/enable-totp to retrieve the QR code, users can either login with their password OR PIN . To learn more about TOTP and how to setup TOTP, please visit - https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/topic/2377/guide-to-secure-your-smartapi-account-with-two-factor-authentication?_=1670353255986
By the end of this month (i.e. December 31, 2022), we will be discontinuing the use of passwords for login, so we encourage all users to set up their PIN as soon as possible.
Thank you for your continued support, and we hope you enjoy trading with SmartAPI.
Hi @rajanprabu , thank you so much for the fix. Request you to please raise the PR, I'll get my tech team to review and approve the same. Open source contributions from experts and loyal SmartAPI users like you will help us to maintain the SDKs. We are exploring few options on the support for SDKs and shall restore the support soon. Thank you for your contribution again.
Hi @Ashok , the new login process will be MPIN based. We will introduce a new login endpoint giving our users sufficient time to migrate to the new login endpoint.
Hi @nickmanan
We have noticed that you are experiencing issues with our SDK due to poor error handling. The error message you are seeing, "TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not subscriptable", is a result of the SDK not handling exceptions properly. This is causing the orderResponse variable to be None, which is leading to the error you are seeing.
The correct error message from the RestAPI is "Invalid Session or Session is Expired Please Re-login" with error code "AB1010". This error is likely being caused because you are using an expired JWT token. (Read more about it here - https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/topic/3392/faqs-on-ab1010-invalid-session-or-session-expired-please-re-login?_=1671130890317)
Please note that our SDKs are open source, so you are welcome to make contributions to improve the error handling and other aspects of the code. Additionally, if you encounter any errors in the future, you can make a call to the RestAPI directly to get the correct error message and information on how to resolve the issue.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank you for your understanding.
Dear Users,
We are pleased to inform you that we have upgraded the Place Order, Modify Order, and Cancel Order APIs.
Key Update:
For AMO (After Market Orders), you will now pass the parameter as "NORMAL" in the variety field instead of "AMO".
The system will automatically handle both normal orders and AMO orders internally.
Thank you for your continued support.
Best Regards,
SmartAPI Team
We have resolved the issue, the holding APIs are working now.
@Ranjicgnr send your API request with parameters.
@Meenakshi please let us know what error are you getting.
@gauravbhimani please try again, we checked and it is working.
@aarkay if you are still facing this issue, please provide the API response of placeOrder API that you are getting.
@aarkay For security reasons, you would not get the mobile number and email id from get profile API.
@akkidewas1989 use the below format
"disclosedqty": 0,
"exchange": "NSE",
"price": 761.30,
"producttype": "DELIVERY",
"qty": 1,
"symboltoken": "3045",
"timeperiod": 1,
"tradingsymbol": "SBIN-EQ",
"transactiontype": "BUY",
"triggerprice": 753.75,
@manjunathn1988 it would be easier to fetch the sensex symbol from the instrument master. https://margincalculator.angelone.in/OpenAPI_File/files/OpenAPIScripMaster.json