getProfile call not returning all data

  • Hi Team,

    When I call the getProfile API, I am getting few blank data. like email, mobile, last login etc...

    trader@NUC8i5BEH:/opt/kite$ /bin/python3 /opt/kite/ab/bot/notification/
    ic| abconn.getProfile(rt): {'data': {'broker': '',
    'clientcode': 'xxxxxxxx',
    'email': '',
    'exchanges': ['bse_cm',
    'lastlogintime': '',
    'mobileno': '',
    'name': 'xxxxxx xxxxxxxx',
    'products': ['CNC', 'NRML', 'MARGIN', 'MIS', 'BO', 'CO']},
    'errorcode': '',
    'message': 'SUCCESS',
    'status': True}

  • HI @Ashok said in getProfile call not returning all data:

    ok. Can mobile number and email can be added in future ? This will be helpful in sending alerts to users with mobile number linked to it
    Initially it was made available but due to some regulations we have removed it.

  • @admin ok. Can mobile number and email can be added in future ? This will be helpful in sending alerts to users with mobile number linked to it

  • HI @Ashok We don't provide with the above mentioned fields.