Order Failing intermittently

  • Requirement:
    GLAND - BUY at 3953.20 with Stop Loss: 3940.5 and Target: 3978.6 on 06-01 10:20

    'variety': 'ROBO', 
    'tradingsymbol': 'GLAND-EQ', 
    'symboltoken': '1186', 
    'transactiontype': 'BUY', 
    'exchange': 'NSE', 
    'ordertype': 'LIMIT', 
    'producttype': 'BO', 
    'duration': 'DAY', 
    'price': 3953.2, 
    'squareoff': 25.4, 
    'stoploss': 12.7, 
    'quantity': 10

    The order id is: 220106001156452

  • @admin This issue happens when placing order in a loop. Only the first one succeeds and next fails. The rate limit is 10 requests per second and I am sure I don't exceed more than 2-3 calls per second.