@Sivavalli1457 since you are new to coding, you can take help from a professional developer, or someone here on the forum.
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RE: error in order code
RE: Getting order history
@Rajen we checked, and it is working fine. There is an issue with your code.
RE: new api generation
@avi_rockfellar you can only use https here, also, you cannot use local host.
RE: facing error invalid totp
@Nichil72 TOTP is working fine, there must be some issue at your end.
RE: SyntexError: invalid decimal literal
@AravindP you need to enter your API key here.
RE: I can not get data by using api, please help me out. Below is my code
@AAAE460930 what is the exact problem that you are facing?
RE: Key error Timestamp
@swathi-priya this is not a SmartAPI issue. The issue is with your code. Please take a help of a professional developer, or guidance from someone on the forum for this issue.