How to get websocket ohlc data on multiple stocks in python

  • Re: Comparing static price with websocket LTP

    How to get websocket ohlc data on multiple stocks in python. Does it requires mutithread. Any sample code available!!!

    How websocket data comes to client. I am not getting real feeling of it. I saw historical ohlc data but not websocket.

    I have worked on historical ohlc data on daily and 5 min candles. I have got historical ohlc data attached to a datetime per row or record. But not getting any idea how websocket comes to client comparing historical ohlc.

    In historical ohlc can get 5 min interval candle data. In real trading hour. How websocket improve it??

    Does websocket data comes with time stamp. I have read docs on websocket streaming but that has no real feeling how frequently it will come.

    Not getting good document on it. No video Also available.

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