Websocket streaming for depth not giving quantity
I am streaming for depth information by modifying the subscribing function as shown below
s.Conn.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte(`{"task":"dp","channel":"`+s.scrips+`","token":"`+s.feedToken+`","user": "`+s.clientCode+`","acctid":"`+s.clientCode+`"}`))
All works fine but for some symboltokens the quantity information is missing when the best price field is available. Can someone explain why?
map[bno:5 bno1:5 bno2:6 bno3:6 bno4:3 bp:18.40 bp1:18.35 bp2:18.30 bp3:18.25 bp4:18.20 bq:1500 bq1:1300 bq2:2800 bq3:1400 bq4:800 bs:250 bs1:850 bs2:1900 bs3:750 bs4:1900 e:nse_fo name:dp sno:2 sno1:2 sno2:6 sno3:2 sno4:4 sp:18.50 sp1:18.55 sp2:18.60 sp3:18.65 sp4:18.70 tk:42336]
as you can see above sp-sp4 are given but there is no sq-sq4. This is the case for some tokens only.
@dragonzurfer said in Websocket streaming for depth not giving quantity:
tity information is missing when the best pri
moded library https://github.com/dragonzurfer/goangelapi/tree/main/smartapigo
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