Index data not available in instrument list
Hey Team,
What is the token number for indexes like NIFTY IT, NIFTY 50, etc.
I checked the page there is a list available for all the instruments. it doesn't contain index data.
Hi everyone,
Our data vendor has stopped publishing Nifty and Bank Nifty indices data. We have shared the logs with them and are working on having this fixed. We regret the inconvenience.
@quantplay Thank you quantplay, at least someone there to discuss/understand the issues. Not sure how Angel Broking can do these kind of silly mistakes which makes the algo trades to leave their platform. Can someone from Angel explain why these NIFTY and BANKNIFTY symbol and tokens are removed from OpanAPIScriptMaster json without any information??
Hi everyone,
We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you. We are looking into it and shall get back to you shortly.
What is the twitter handle of Angel broking / smartapi? Does any one know.. I would like to escalate it a step further.
@ravitandur Yes, trading index options is impossible without this data
@quantplay you are correct. The symbol token for NIFTY and BANKNIFTY indices are missing in OpenAPIScriptMaster JSON file. Can someone from Angel look into this ASAP otherwise most of the algos depends on getting the LTP values for these two indices will fail
index directly not amiable as per my knowledge in Angel One.
Indirectly we can get they by Index Futures. -