AngelBroking get_access_token failed: AB1050 : Invalid totp
Any body using tradetron able to connect
Hi Team,
I am getting the below error message :
b'{"status":false,"message":"Invalid totp","errorcode":"AB1050","data":null}'
Please let me know what is the issue?
- topic:timeago_earlier,4 months
@Harman08 can u paste the link? i cant find it.
@ajsingh please check the Access rates by admin a few days ago.
@Harman08 it worked. thanks.
now having a different issue, this one.
ReadTimeout: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Read timed out. (read timeout=7)
i am trying to fetch the historical data. access rate is 3/sec then one second sleep. still i am getting this error.
I am getting same error as "Access Token FaileD, error AB1050. Ainvalid TOTP"
i used AUTHY and enabled TOTP and i put this everyday now around 7AM in mrng and still an error.
I am Using Tradetron algo. Previously it was wroking properly when TOTP thing was not there
@ajsingh That is not Totp, u have to scan that qr or put below string to ur Google Authenticator to generate totp, and totp is not Constant, it's temporary it changes with time
@Harman08 I'm using the alphanumeric code line given below the qr code as my totp. That's what was working 2 days back. now it's not working. if you are talking about this code then it didn't change. it has remained the same since the beginning of this totp mess.
if possible could u send me an example code how u r logging into a session with the totp?
@dsdabhi1 case "AG8001":
case "AG8002":
return new DataException(jsonObject.getString("message"), code);
Seems Exception due to 2FA code, Insert Totp passcode properly in generate session -
@Harman08 i am on the way but while getting profile data. error is {"success":false,"message":"Invalid Token","errorCode":"AG8001","data":""} no solution for this and no reply from angel broking.
@saimathew123 why tradetron build ur own algo software ,get the signals nd execute the orders thr api
Simple solution, Add valid totp ,error will be resolved, totp is not Constant and changing with time so u need to update everytime 😞
@arulsutha13 what do u mean delete and remake all?
@sarath delete and remake all
do not make copy paste -
any upadate on this
@daleep_angel HOW ?
can you please guide us with the procedure -
@raa upgrade the smart api with pip install smartapi-python --upgrade
@sarath I think this problem is with every broker. SEBI is bringing new things to create pain in the a.. . They implement new things to protect small traders or to reduce them ? ...Margin rule was one of the step taken by SEBI
@skishor no response from any one. every company need money after that no after sale service