Unable to Connect Via postman
Hi All,
Thanks in advance for everyone who are reading this post. ☺I am trying to connect to angelBroking from Postman using the below loginByPassword API.
Method Type: Post
No Authorization
These are the header values that i am sending for the request.In Body:
"clientcode": "L10XX71",
"password": "xxxxxxxx",
"totp": "697654"
}but everytime, this is the response i get
<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
</html>I have read like most of the questions asked in Forum and online references, but none of them clears my issue. I read the API documentation many times, but couldnt find anything wrong with the values i am providing here.
Can somone please help me with my issue.
@laskshmi did you try smartAPI2.0 and try using totp? are you copy paste totp generated when you do enable totp or use device to scan QR code?
You are not supposed to use this URL in postman. https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/publisher-login?api_key=xxx. You can use this url directly from browser and the token will be sent in the redirect URL which u mentioned while creating an APP in smart API.
To get the jwtToken from postman use the below details
Method: POST
No AuthorizationHeaders: Content-Length:<postman generated values> Content-Type:<postman generated values> Accept:application/json X-ClientLocalIP:<ur client ip> X-ClientPublicIP:<ur public ip> X-MACAddress:<ur mac address> X-PrivateKey:<Your API KEY> X-UserType:USER X-SourceID:WEB
Update your details ()in the header.
{ "clientcode": "{{clientID}}", "password": "{{clientPIN}}", "totp": "483811" }
Hope this helps!!
Hello Laskshmi,
Issue: Login request issue,
I trayed to login through Postman API tool request. I set the header section as per the smart-API documentation and set the Bearer token key, which I get it once after totp as attached in the image. In the body section I sent the data as below
Request URL:
api_key=xxxBody Section
}Request Body
}Statuscode: 404Not Found
empty response bodyResponse Body
"timestamp": "2023-02-06T08:16:47.782+00:00",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "",
"path": "/"
Could you please have a look over the problem and help me with the same.
- topic:timeago_earlier,17 days
@laskshmi Thanks for sharing this.
Jathagam porutham in tamil -
I finally connected to AB API using POSTMAN. Looks like I was just missing out an request header (feeling so stupid right now 😋). Below are the heder that u need to add in ur
Just make sure u have all the selected headers (mandatory), remaining all are optional. THen hit send and u will receive 200 with the response .
Hope this message helps u. 🙂
- topic:timeago_earlier,3 months
@laskshmi said in Unable to Connect Via postman:
Hi All,
Thanks in advance for everyone who are reading this post. ☺I am trying to connect to angelBroking from Postman using the below loginByPassword API.
https://apiconnect.angelbroking.com/rest/moto x3m/auth/angelbroking/user/v1/loginByPassword
Method Type: Post
No Authorization
These are the header values that i am sending for the request.In Body:
"clientcode": "L10XX71",
"password": "xxxxxxxx",
"totp": "697654"
}but everytime, this is the response i get
<head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head>
<body bgcolor="white">
<center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center>
</html>I have read like most of the questions asked in Forum and online references, but none of them clears my issue. I read the API documentation many times, but couldnt find anything wrong with the values i am providing here.
Can somone please help me with my issue.
That is exactly my problem. If you've found a solution, please let me know.
I started to try the JAVA SDK, i am able to successfully connect to angel one account. I Didnt try via postman after that. 😊 -
Same issue I am facing. Please let me know, if you resolved it.