Were can I find the Angel Library to use Smart Connect in Java?
Were can I find the Angel Library to use Smart Connect in Java? I want to include this in my library and use the APIs for Angel to:-
a) Create Session
b) Place Buy/Sell MIS orders,etcI am new to Angel
scripting is more powerful than language itself now a days!!!
Python is for all both for kids as well as for professionals.It support both scientific computing, big data as well as machine learning and many more.
Overall it is for all . So many are using in the group irrespective of trader or developer or student or professional developer etc..
Finally it is individual choice.
So whatever you choose is up to you.Since many are using python here , so more support is expected both from the group and as well as from the smartapi team is my view.
Otherwise one can use Java or anything else.
@Mnagesh Profeesionals use only Java or C++ Python is for School kids.
you can contact them by the number specified in Angel One mobile app.
login to mobile app
go to Account
then go to call us
it will connect to your RMThen you can ask them to connect to api team or ask their number .
login to:
https://trade.angelone.ingo to 'Account'
from Account go to 'About Us'there you can see phone number you can contact your RM:
@naveen278 write email to support team. They will contact you.
@Mnagesh What is the number to contact Angel-one API team
@naveen278 as i given likn which is showing 404 error better to contact Angel one api team .
OrGo for python which is good and more users are using and also you get good support both from. Users as well as smartapi team .
@naveen278 You can find here : https://smartapi.angelbroking.com/docs