wrong totp, error code = AB1050
obj = connect.GenerateSession(Client_code, mPin);
I am getting AB1050 error wrong totp error
please help on this for any solution. -
@samecomm6 Which DLL it causing error?
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
@Narendra-swami all issues fixed able to place order
@Narendra-swami now getting error
Failed to get symbol details AB1018 even symbol passing as correct
@Narendra-swami I am now able to fix this error AB1050 due to one code provided dll in this forum
string Client_code = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["client_code_angle"].ToString();
string Password = ""; //YOUR PASSWORD
string api_key = ""; // API KEY
string JWTToken = "";
string RefreshToken = "";SmartApi connect = new SmartApi(api_key, JWTToken, RefreshToken); OutputBaseClass obj = new OutputBaseClass(); //Login by client code and password string mPin = "1234"; obj = connect.GenerateSession(Client_code, mPin); AngelToken agr = obj.TokenResponse; //Get Token obj = connect.GenerateToken(); agr = obj.TokenResponse; //Get Profile obj = connect.GetProfile(); GetProfileResponse gp = obj.GetProfileResponse;
- topic:timeago_earlier,13 days
@samecomm6 I am not able to figure out, how are you instantiating for TOTP for you login