Free Python Code for Websocket 2.0 and Get Live Feed Data

  • Please watch the video and download the code from the description.

    Youtube Video

  • @J88913 Thank you Sir for sharing the video. Very grateful and Appreciate!!

    Request a clarification. on line 85 of the code which reads as below, we would be able to fetch the high, low , volume for the day. But how do we code it if we want the details for open, high , low , close, volume and open interest for all ticks say for 1 minute, so we can compile the date into candlestick data of for 1 minute

    LIVE_FEED_JSON[msg['token']] = {'1' :datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(msg['exchange_timestamp']/1000).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') ,'3' :msg['last_traded_price']/100 ,'4' :msg['average_traded_price']/100 ,'5' :msg['high_price_of_the_day']/100 ,'6':msg['low_price_of_the_day']/100 ,'7' :msg['closed_price']/100 ,'8':msg['volume_trade_for_the_day'],'9':msg['open_interest']}

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