Error: Unexpected server response: 401

  • C:\Users\hp\Desktop\node\no\lib\websocket2.0.js:89
    throw new Error(evt.message);

    Error: Unexpected server response: 401
    at ws.onerror (C:\Users\hp\Desktop\node\no\lib\websocket2.0.js:89:15)
    at callListener (C:\Users\hp\Desktop\node\no\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:290:14)
    at WebSocket.onError (C:\Users\hp\Desktop\node\no\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:230:9)
    at WebSocket.emit (node:events:515:28)
    at emitErrorAndClose (C:\Users\hp\Desktop\node\no\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:1033:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

    Node.js v21.1.0

  • Jwt.js:32 Establishing WebSocket connection...
    Jwt.js:37 WebSocket connection established successfully.
    Jwt.js:78 Received: Blob {size: 379, type: ''}
    Jwt.js:78 Received: Blob {size: 379, type: ''}
    Jwt.js:89 Buffer: Uint8Array(379) [3, 1, 49, 48, 57, 57, 57, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 210, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 45, 127, 158, 144, 141, 1, 0, 0, 133, 96, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 147, 89, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 113, 217, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 128, 79, 64, 21, 88, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 8, …]
    Jwt.js:114 Subscription Mode: 3
    Jwt.js:115 Exchange Type: 1
    Jwt.js:116 Token: 10999

    finally i got result problem solved

  • Generated TOTP: 818495
    Session generated: {
    status: true,
    message: 'SUCCESS',
    errorcode: '',
    data: {
    jwtToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.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.6zwrU2kLgJPqBacHLDD4EJ_x7vrLzWX7kv3stF8C-tKlynk6_h1ATMC6QgeUQbFxKYpzO8fK3taN_gUrJ3OVjQ',
    refreshToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJ0b2tlbiI6IlJFRlJFU0gtVE9LRU4iLCJSRUZSRVNILVRPS0VOIjoiZXlKaGJHY2lPaUpJVXpVeE1pSXNJblI1Y0NJNklrcFhWQ0o5LmV5SnpkV0lpT2lKU01qYzFNekF5SWl3aVpYaHdJam94TnpBM05qVXdORGsyTENKcFlYUWlPakUzTURjMU5qUXdNellzSW1wMGFTSTZJbUkwTnpaaE9HVTJMVFF3TkRndE5HSXlZUzFpTWpOaExURXpZalEwWXpVNVpEUXpNU0lzSW05dGJtVnRZVzVoWjJWeWFXUWlPakFzSW5SdmEyVnVJam9pVWtWR1VrVlRTQzFVVDB0RlRpSXNJblZ6WlhKZmRIbHdaU0k2SW1Oc2FXVnVkQ0lzSW5SdmEyVnVYM1I1Y0dVaU9pSjBjbUZrWlY5eVpXWnlaWE5vWDNSdmEyVnVJaXdpWkdWMmFXTmxYMmxrSWpvaU9XRmxZMlpsTWpRdFltUTVZaTB6WW1ZNExUaGtaakl0Tm1FNU5HVTJNemRpWmpJMUlpd2lZV04wSWpwN2ZYMC5VLXpfZWt3YU04ZjlKMER6U3RXLXEyZ3VCczl1Z1dWMmdZdW1EVmtCVkFZTU5iakRvSWFhNmdFYm9uZDJFYXZyaFdfRUxJdmlxdlhiZW95RXhyN0tWdyIsImlhdCI6MTcwNzU2NDA5Nn0.MdPftB0M24Nurkmz4mSdkQTZt26F6GnKAm2RqgK6mJvfhemHch_f9A5F3aM42wwvDd2FZgMvGQt4d_fbeh-vxg',
    feedToken: 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IlIyNzUzMDIiLCJpYXQiOjE3MDc1NjQwOTYsImV4cCI6MTcwNzY1MDQ5Nn0.S0o0zh3gOaiZjzguPiSReN24k89JWbHcsfd0RLWizsiE8oSG96ocSXS0gYHSTuNU4j5zjwFS0oHo2k6yvGxg7A'
    Simulating session expiration...
    I:\Ramesh\New folder\node\node_modules\smartapi-javascript\lib\websocket2.0.js:89
    throw new Error(evt.message);

    Error: Unexpected server response: 401
    at ws.onerror (I:\Ramesh\New folder\node\node_modules\smartapi-javascript\lib\websocket2.0.js:89:15)
    at callListener (I:\Ramesh\New folder\node\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:290:14)
    at WebSocket.onError (I:\Ramesh\New folder\node\node_modules\ws\lib\event-target.js:230:9)
    at WebSocket.emit (node:events:515:28)
    at emitErrorAndClose (I:\Ramesh\New folder\node\node_modules\ws\lib\websocket.js:1033:13)
    at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:82:21)

    Node.js v21.1.0

  • @Moderator_2

    Also code in websocket2 needs some modifications :

    In fetchdata function
    const { correlationID, action, params} = json_req;
    const {mode , tokenList } = params

    Check my code

  • @Moderator_2

    Feedtype is not correct in your read me for websocket2 in node repo

    Change it with feedtype :feed token (generated in login response )

  • @bhxshxn

    Use feed token in feed type it worked for me

  • Hi @Rishab,

    As team verified on the client code shared, recently we don't find any connection error on smartAPI. Also all the connected seems to be initiated from AngelOne app. Kindly help us with the date if the issue still occurs.

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team

  • @Moderator_2 R275302

  • Hi @Rishab @bhxshxn @sonivipul89 @sunny123456

    Kindly share us the client code and issue occurred time for us to analyze further on this.

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team

  • @sonivipul89 not working for me

  • replace code of node_modules\smartapi-javascript\lib\websocket2.0.js with this code

    let WebSocket = require('ws');
    const Parser = require('binary-parser').Parser;
    let { CONSTANTS, ACTION, MODE, EXCHANGES } = require('../config/constant');
    let triggers = {
    	connect: [],
    	tick: [],
    let WebSocketV2 = function (params) {
    	try {
    		let { clientcode, jwttoken, apikey, feedtype } = params;
    		let self = this;
    		let ws = null;
    		let headers = {
    			'x-client-code': clientcode,
    			Authorization: jwttoken,
    			'x-api-key': apikey,
    			'x-feed-token': feedtype,
    		const url = CONSTANTS?.websocketURL;
    		let ping_Interval = CONSTANTS?.Interval;
    		let timeStamp;
    		let stopInterval;
    		let subscribeData = [];
    		let reset;
    		let open = 1;
    		let customErrorHandler = false;
    		let reconnectionTime;
    		let reconnectionType = null;
    		let expMultiplier;
    		let isReconnect = false;
    		this.connect = function () {
    			try {
    				return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    					if (
    						headers?.['x-client-code'] === null ||
    						headers?.['x-feed-token'] === null ||
    						headers?.['x-api-key'] === null ||
    						headers?.Authorization === null
    					) {
    						return 'client_code or jwt_token or api_key or feed_token is missing';
    					ws = new WebSocket(url, { headers });
    					ws.onopen = function onOpen(evt) {
    						if (subscribeData.length > 0) {
    							let reSubscribe = subscribeData;
    							subscribeData = [];
  => {
    						reset = setInterval(function () {
    						}, ping_Interval);
    					ws.onmessage = function (evt) {
    						let result =;
    						timeStamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
    						const buf = Buffer.from(result);
    						const receivedData = setResponse(buf, result);
    						trigger('tick', [receivedData]);
    					stopInterval = setInterval(function () {
    						let currentTimeStamp = Math.floor( / 1000);
    						let lastMessageTimeStamp = currentTimeStamp - timeStamp;
    						if (lastMessageTimeStamp > 20) {
    							if (ws?._readyState === open) {
    					}, 5000);
    					ws.onerror = function (evt) {
    						if (customErrorHandler) {
    						else {
    							if (evt?.message?.match(/\d{3}/)?.[0] == 401) {
    								throw new Error(evt.message);
    							try {
    								if (ws?._readyState === open) {
    							} catch (error) {
    								throw new Error(error);
    					ws.onclose = function (evt) {
    						if (isReconnect) {
    							if (reconnectionType === "simple") {
    								setTimeout(function () {
    								}, reconnectionTime);
    							} else if (reconnectionType === "exponential") {
    								setTimeout(function () {
    									reconnectionTime *= expMultiplier;
    								}, reconnectionTime);
    			} catch (error) {
    				throw new Error(error);
    		this.fetchData = function (json_req) {
    			const { correlationID, action, params} = json_req;
    			const {mode , tokenList } = params
    			if (action !== ACTION.Subscribe && action !== ACTION.Unsubscribe) {
    				throw new Error('Invalid Action value passed');
    			if (
    				mode !== MODE.LTP &&
    				mode !== MODE.Quote &&
    				mode !== MODE.SnapQuote &&
    				mode !== MODE.Depth
    			) {
    				throw new Error("Invalid Mode value passed");
    			if (tokenList.length > 0 &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.bse_cm &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.bse_fo &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.cde_fo &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.mcx_fo &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.ncx_fo &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.nse_cm &&
    				tokenList[0].exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.nse_fo
    			) {
    				throw new Error('Invalid Exchange type passed');
    			if (mode === MODE.Depth) {
    				if (tokens.length > 50) {
    					throw new Error(
    						"Quota exceeded: You can subscribe to a maximum of 50 tokens"
    				if (mode === MODE.Depth && exchangeType !== EXCHANGES.nse_cm) {
    					throw new Error(
    						"Invalid exchange type: Please check the exchange type and try again"
    			let reqBody = {
    				params: {
    					tokenList: tokenList,
    			if (correlationID) {
    				reqBody.correlationID = correlationID;
    			if (ws?._readyState === open) {
    		this.on = function (e, callback) {
    			if (triggers.hasOwnProperty(e)) {
    		this.close = function () {
    			isReconnect = false;
    		this.customError = function () {
    			customErrorHandler = true;
    		this.reconnection = function (type, delTime, multiplier) {
    			isReconnect = true;
    			reconnectionType = type
    			if (reconnectionType === 'simple') {
    				reconnectionTime = delTime
    			if (reconnectionType === 'exponential') {
    				reconnectionTime = delTime * multiplier;
    				expMultiplier = multiplier
    	} catch (error) {
    		throw new Error(error);
    function trigger(e, args) {
    	if (!triggers[e]) return;
    	for (var n = 0; n < triggers[e].length; n++) {
    		triggers[e][n].apply(triggers[e][n], args ? args : []);
    function _atos(array) {
    	var newarray = [];
    	try {
    		for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) {
    	} catch (e) {
    		throw new Error(e);
    	let token = JSON.stringify(newarray.join(''));
    	return token.replaceAll('\\u0000', '');
    function LTP(buf) {
    	const ltp = new Parser()
    		.int8('subscription_mode', { formatter: toNumber })
    		.int8('exchange_type', { formatter: toNumber })
    		.array('token', {
    			type: 'uint8',
    			length: 25,
    			formatter: _atos,
    		.int64('sequence_number', { formatter: toNumber })
    		.int64('exchange_timestamp', { formatter: toNumber })
    		.int32('last_traded_price', { formatter: toNumber });
    	return ltp.parse(buf);
    function QUOTE(buf) {
    	const quote = new Parser()
    		.uint8('subscription_mode', { formatter: toNumber, length: 1 })
    		.uint8('exchange_type', { formatter: toNumber, length: 1 })
    		.array('token', { type: 'int8', length: 25, formatter: _atos })
    		.uint64('sequence_number', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.uint64('exchange_timestamp', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.uint64('last_traded_price', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('last_traded_quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('avg_traded_price', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('vol_traded', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.doublele('total_buy_quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.doublele('total_sell_quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('open_price_day', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('high_price_day', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('low_price_day', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('close_price', {
    			formatter: toNumber,
    			length: 8,
    	return quote.parse(buf);
    function SNAP_QUOTE(buf) {
    	const bestFiveData = new Parser()
    		.int16('flag', { formatter: toNumber, length: 2 })
    		.int64('quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('price', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int16('no_of_orders', { formatter: toNumber, length: 2 });
    	const snapQuote = new Parser()
    		.uint8('subscription_mode', { formatter: toNumber, length: 1 })
    		.uint8('exchange_type', { formatter: toNumber, length: 1 })
    		.array('token', { type: 'int8', length: 25, formatter: _atos })
    		.uint64('sequence_number', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.uint64('exchange_timestamp', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.uint64('last_traded_price', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('last_traded_quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('avg_traded_price', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('vol_traded', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.doublele('total_buy_quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.doublele('total_sell_quantity', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('open_price_day', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('high_price_day', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('low_price_day', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('close_price', {
    			formatter: toNumber,
    			length: 8,
    		.int64('last_traded_timestamp', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('open_interest', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.doublele('open_interest_change', {
    			formatter: toNumber,
    			length: 8,
    		.array('best_5_buy_data', { type: bestFiveData, lengthInBytes: 100 })
    		.array('best_5_sell_data', { type: bestFiveData, lengthInBytes: 100 })
    		.int64('upper_circuit', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('lower_circuit', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64('fiftytwo_week_high', {
    			formatter: toNumber,
    			length: 8,
    		.int64('fiftytwo_week_low', { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 });
    	// let response = snapQuote.parse(buf);
    	return snapQuote.parse(buf);
    function DEPTH(buf) {
    	const depthTwenty = new Parser()
    		.int32("quantity", { formatter: toNumber, length: 4 })
    		.int32("price", { formatter: toNumber, length: 4 })
    		.int16("no_of_orders", { formatter: toNumber, length: 2 });
    	const depth = new Parser()
    		.uint8("subscription_mode", { formatter: toNumber, length: 1 })
    		.uint8("exchange_type", { formatter: toNumber, length: 1 })
    		.array("token", { type: "int8", length: 25, formatter: _atos })
    		.uint64("exchange_timestamp", { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.int64("packet_received_time", { formatter: toNumber, length: 8 })
    		.array("depth_twenty_buy_data", { type: depthTwenty, lengthInBytes: 200 })
    		.array("depth_twenty_sell_data", {
    			type: depthTwenty,
    			lengthInBytes: 200,
    	return depth.parse(buf);
    function toNumber(number) {
    	return number.toString();
    function setResponse(buf, result) {
    	const subscription_mode = new Parser().uint8('subscription_mode');
    	switch (subscription_mode.parse(buf)?.subscription_mode) {
    		case MODE.LTP:
    			return LTP(buf);
    		case MODE.Quote:
    			return QUOTE(buf);
    		case MODE.SnapQuote:
    			return SNAP_QUOTE(buf);
    		case MODE.Depth:
    			return DEPTH(buf);
    			return result;
    module.exports = WebSocketV2;

  • Hi @Moderator_2 ,

    Code is ok and tokens are also valid but still getting same response Please check server side, it is major bug

  • @Rishab solution only smart api peope can provide

  • @Rishab haa sirf python mai work ka rha hai

  • Node js mai 401 error aa rha hai or java code mai 443 error aa rha iska koi solution hai to please bataye only python code work kr rha hai

  • any solution is still there and i am trying with right because the same cred work in python sdk and not in node sdk

  • Hi @Rishab and @sunny123456

    Apologies for delayed response.
    The 401 status code represents the Unauthorized auth token which occurs if the token is empty or incorrect. Kindly reverify after fetching the recent token with login API and let us know if the issue still occurs

    Thanks & Regards,
    SmartAPI team

  • @Rishab said in Error: Unexpected server response: 401:

    ye problem server side se hai ya mere code mai issue hai

    server side

  • ye problem server side se hai ya mere code mai issue hai

1 out of 19