Exception while retriving IP Address
Getting below exception while trying to generate session. My ID is B34099.
Version of smartapi-python is 1.4.1[E 240210 08:08:09 smartConnect:67] Exception while retriving IP Address,using local host IP address: [Errno 8] nodename nor servname provided, or not known
# package import statement from SmartApi import SmartConnect #or from smartapi.smartConnect import SmartConnect #import smartapi.smartExceptions(for smartExceptions) #create object of call obj=SmartConnect(api_key="5INpTQ6j") #login api call data = obj.generateSession("B34099","xxxx","123456")
@baahu_chanduwad Dont know if you have resolved this...just in case,
SmartConnect.py tries to connect to api.ipfy.org to get the the client PublicAPI...there is no url named api.ipfy.org...IT SHOULD BE api64.ipfy.org - topic:timeago_earlier,27 days
Kindly pull the recent SDK version and re-install required packages. Please let us know if the issue still occurs.
SmartAPI team -
@Moderator_2 I don't understand what you mean here, I have a stable connection. what am I supposed to re-install?
Apologies for the delayed response.
As verified from our end, the issue seems to be occurring when the internet is unstable to retrieve the local IP Address.
Kindly re-install and verify with stable network connection and let us know if the issue still occursRegards,
SmartAPI team