Python function for Option Greeks
Thanks for providing the feature of option greeks!
But do you have any dedicated function in python to retrieve these option greeks values?
E.g. any dedicated function like - individual_order_details(self, qParam) will be helpful.
If you already dedicated python function, please let us know.
Hi @godboleamit,
We are currently working on providing this functionality in Python SDK. It will be released soon.
Thank you.
SmartAPI Team -
Hey @hardip, getOptionGreeks() function is not defined. You will need to add this function yourself.
@godboleamit .Not works. getOptionGreeks not define
For those who need this function to get Option Greeks.
- Please go to the file -
- Add the following function to the file -
def getOptionGreeks(self, name, expirydate): optiongreeks = self._postRequest("", {"name": name,"expirydate": expirydate}) return optiongreeks
- Add one more line to the routes variable - (Look at the second line)
"api.allholding": "/rest/secure/angelbroking/portfolio/v1/getAllHolding", "": "/rest/secure/angelbroking/marketData/v1/optionGreek", "api.individual.order.details": "/rest/secure/angelbroking/order/v1/details/",
- Call a function as follows -
optionGreeks = smartApi.getOptionGreeks('TCS', '29FEB2024') print(optionGreeks)
You will get the required response.
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