For 15min candle (close, open etc), is there any websocket(not streaming) but on 15 min interval

  • I can see that I can use historical API to fetch data of current trading day and poll data every 15 min to get close, open etc.
    Is there a websocket for the same rather than API(historical) ?
    Also, how reliable is this historical API to fetch current stock price(on 5 min , 15 min candle).What is the downtime for these APIs ?
    The smartAPI websocket for market data isn't based on 5 min , 15 min candle ?It is only streaming(every second). Am I correct ?
    Is there a way to get current stock prices(5 min , 15 min candle) from websocket ?

  • @Moderator_1 I think Market Data API(though websockets are good) but we will need to write quite some logic to refine the data into candles(15 mins, 5 mins).
    Also, it might suffer inaccuracies if even few ticks are missed.Either of APIs suffer lag or downtime.
    So, when I tried historical APIs to query , it gave results for current stock price with 1-2 seconds .
    I would be happy to use historical APIs if there is no major disadvantage using them ?
    Wanted to understand if historical APIs are down sometime during the working hours of stock market ?
    Even if few seconds or 60 seconds or so delay in historical APIs to get current price of stock is fine with my algo strategy.
    Can you throw light on above please ?

  • Hello @coolankurmahe,
    You can also use the Market Data API to fetch data for the Current trading day.
    As of now, there is no websocket for historical API.
    We would advice you to use the Market Data API to fetch current stock prices. Again there isn't any downtime for these APIs, but rate limits are applicable on the basis of client code.
    Websocket provides only tick by tick data for now from our end. You can use it in whatever way you want.

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

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