Merge 3 toke data in one data frame

  • I got output like below when I subscribe but how can we take this all 3 token output to single data frame. Currently it creates 3 data frame ,

    [I 240315 16:13:48 <string>:142] on open
       token  last_traded_price  ... open_interest  volume_trade_for_the_day0  45744              188.0  ...        421650                    517050
    [1 rows x 5 columns]
       token  last_traded_price  ... open_interest  volume_trade_for_the_day0  45744              188.0  ...        421650                    5170501  45642               29.3  ...             0                         0
    [2 rows x 5 columns]
       token  last_traded_price  ... open_interest  volume_trade_for_the_day0  45744              188.0  ...        421650                    5170501  45642               29.3  ...             0                         02  45025                9.8  ...             0                         0
    [3 rows x 5 columns]

  • @subh You can simply do pd.concat([df_1,df_2,df_3],axis=0). This would merge your 3 dataframe in one.

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