Web Socket Issues

  • @Moderator_1 I am using smart api for creating a live data feed for stock prices on my site. I am using live websocket streaming service. But issue is in javascript sdk prices of almost 400-500 stocks are received 0. I also tried quote mode but still no success. Can you tell me what could be the issue?

    const getConnection = async () => {
          db = await spp.find({});
          var array = db.map(obj => obj.token);
          var bbb = array.slice(1000,);
          const rtg = await aaaa();
          abc(bbb, rtg);
    module.exports = getConnection;
    function abc(array, data) {
      const web_socket = new WebSocketV2({
        jwttoken: data.jwtToken,
        apikey: 'API_KEY',
        clientcode: "CLIENT_CODE",
        feedtype: data.feedToken,
      web_socket.connect().then((res) => {
        let json_req = {
          "correlationID": "abcde12345",
          "action": 1,
          "mode": 2,
          "exchangeType": 1,
          "tokens": array
        web_socket.on('tick', receiveTick);
        var x = 0;
        async function receiveTick(data) {
          if (data.token !== undefined) {
            const io = getIO();
            const tokenWithQuotes = data.token;
            const tokenWithoutQuotes = tokenWithQuotes.replace(/['"]+/g, '');
            const price = parseInt(data.last_traded_price, 10) / 100;
            // console.log(tokent_to_stock[tokenWithoutQuotes],price);
            if(price == 0) {
              console.log(tokent_to_stock[tokenWithoutQuotes], x);
              io.to(tokent_to_stock[tokenWithoutQuotes]).emit('update', {
                stock: tokent_to_stock[tokenWithoutQuotes],
                price: price
              await spp.updateOne(
                { token: tokenWithoutQuotes },
                  $set: {
                    previousprice: "$currentprice",
                    currentprice: price

    this is my code.

  • My WebSocket connection in Node.js works fine initially, fetching data as expected. However, after around 1.5 hours, the connection inexplicably drops while the Node.js server remains running. To resume data fetching, I have to manually stop and restart the Node.js server. How can I address this issue?

  • @robin they are not giving any updates why so? i have asked them so many times.

  • @nitish-bane i too facing same problem when i increase tokens to 20+ ticks are late by 2,3 seconds.
    @admin123 Please reply.

  • @Moderator_2 @Moderator_1 Is there any update please i need this.

  • @perceptron I think there is some issue with websockets when more number of tokens are subscribed. I facing a similar problem where I am subscribing to 200 tokens and I am observing delays in receiving ticks.

  • @perceptron @Moderator_1 @Moderator_2 is there any update?

  • @Moderator_2 @Moderator_1 is there any progress on this issue?

  • @Moderator_2 I am initiating 2 sockets basically with first socket having 0 to 1000 NSE stocks and other having the rest. I do not think that should be much of an issue because even when i am initiating request with only one socket and one stock this error persists.

  • HI @perceptron

    We are verifying on the issue. Will update you asap.
    Please check if the websocket connection is initiated within limit (three connection only allowed per client code).

    SmartAPI team