OHLC candle data delay at the time of market opening, and given an extra candle of 9:00 AM, which is wrong

  • I am facing some critical issues encountered while utilizing the Smart API in Python for retrieving 15-minute candle data for NIFTY and BANKNIFTY using the getCandleData() method of the Smart API in Python.

    Firstly, there is a significant delay in data retrieval, particularly noticeable during market opening time. The data is delayed by more than one minute (delay till 9:16:08 in screenshot), hampering real-time analysis and decision-making capabilities.

    Secondly, there is an intermittent occurrence of extra candle data being returned for 9:00 AM (see second last candle in screenshot). This inconsistency in data retrieval has led to erroneous decisions being made by our algorithm, impacting our trading strategies.

    See the screenshots illustrating the discrepancies encountered. We urgently request your prompt attention to resolve these issues as they are critically affecting our trading operations.



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