Option Actual Buy Price is not the same(way more than) as returned averageprice from individual_order_details API

  • @administrators
    Please reply this to the earliest as this is related to in-consistency of order's price.
    Please take it is urgency as I won't trust if the reasoning of this is not known.

    The order was placed yesterday (15th May, 2024) through my algo at 12:30:01 for OptionSymbol NIFTY23MAY2422250CE OptionToken 38748
    Soon after order was successfully placed, I am fetching order details through individual_order_details API and it returned as following .

    orderResponse : {'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': {'variety': 'NORMAL', 'ordertype': 'MARKET', 'producttype': 'CARRYFORWARD', 'duration': 'DAY', 'price': 0.0, 'triggerprice': 0.0, 'quantity': '50', 'disclosedquantity': '0', 'squareoff': 0.0, 'stoploss': 0.0, 'trailingstoploss': 0.0, 'tradingsymbol': 'NIFTY23MAY2422250CE', 'transactiontype': 'BUY', 'exchange': 'NFO', 'symboltoken': '38748', 'instrumenttype': 'OPTIDX', 'strikeprice': 22250.0, 'optiontype': 'CE', 'expirydate': '23MAY2024', 'lotsize': '25', 'cancelsize': '0', 'averageprice': 170.7, 'filledshares': '50', 'unfilledshares': '0', 'orderid': '240515000931623', 'text': '', 'status': 'complete', 'orderstatus': 'complete', 'updatetime': '15-May-2024 12:30:01', 'exchtime': '15-May-2024 12:30:01', 'exchorderupdatetime': '15-May-2024 12:30:01', 'fillid': '', 'filltime': '', 'parentorderid': '', 'ordertag': '', 'uniqueorderid': 'd482ecee-05ef-47c2-afcc-0795978a6bf6'}}

    The averageprice is 170.7 in above response and also I can see max 172 in the many next few seconds candle(you can check the candles on angel one UI).
    Then, why Angel One UI shows 183 as buy price in my order history and even the loss is also calculated based on that ?
    How can this data be so in-consistent when it doesn't match with returned response and candle data of Angel One UI.
    Do the return response of individual_order_details API don't give correct averageprice for the order ?
    How to make sure we get right buy price ? limit order rather than market order ?
    or any other solution you have ?

  • @coolankurmahe the price shown on Angel One UI on T+1 day includes the additional brokerage charges as well. You incur some taxes and charges which is additional to the buy price on the previous day. What you are seeing in the charts is correct. What you're seeing in the UI is inclusive of taxes and charges which you have incurred for the transaction. The price on charts does not include taxes and charges.

  • @Moderator_1
    Hi, But in my case it is reverse , right.
    Can you go through above post carefully ?
    Average price that was returned was 170.7 as shown in response also.
    The buy price was at 183 . It should had never happened because even a lot of next minutes candles at and after 12:01 PM on 15th May, 2024 for above mentioned option never crossed 174 ish.
    So, I am not sure where this 183 came from which shows in my order history as buy price on Angel One UI.

  • Hello @coolankurmahe,

    On T+1 Day, Average Price = Buy Price + Additional charges.

    You buy price remains same but your average price will also include the charges incurred and hence it is showing a higher value. This is as expected.

    If you have any issues, please let us know.

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

  • Hello @coolankurmahe,
    Rest assured, we're looking at it. We'll get back to you soon after our investigation.

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

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