searchScrip ERROR : Search successful. No matching trading symbols found for the given query.

  • Hi,

    It was working fine for last 6 monmths. currently it throwing an error for random options. With some option its working fine and with some options it throwing an error.

        searchScriptData = obj.searchScrip("NFO", "BANKNIFTY24DEC2455400CE")

    [I 241205 22:04:01 smartConnect:488] Search successful. No matching trading symbols found for the given query.
    for name: {'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': []}

    It give proper respose with "BANKNIFTY24DEC2455500CE".
    searchScriptData = obj.searchScrip("NFO", "BANKNIFTY24DEC2455500CE")
    [I 241205 22:14:45 smartConnect:485] Search successful. Found 1 trading symbols for the given query:
    1. exchange: NFO, tradingsymbol: BANKNIFTY24DEC2455500CE, symboltoken: 67075
    for name: {'status': True, 'message': 'SUCCESS', 'errorcode': '', 'data': [{'exchange': 'NFO', 'tradingsymbol': 'BANKNIFTY24DEC2455500CE', 'symboltoken': '67075'}]}

    Can any know why it happening.

  • @Venuchary It is working fine, please try again.

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