Prerviouse OI not presesnt in websocket

  • hi team,

    how to get previous OI data from websocket ,I am getting this data from websocket feed

    avg_traded_price: "248.24"
    best_5_buy_data: Array(5)
    0: {price: '354.95', quantity: '425', flag: '1', no_of_orders: '2'}
    1: {price: '354.90', quantity: '325', flag: '1', no_of_orders: '3'}
    2: {price: '354.85', quantity: '425', flag: '1', no_of_orders: '2'}
    3: {price: '354.80', quantity: '400', flag: '1', no_of_orders: '3'}
    4: {price: '354.75', quantity: '275', flag: '1', no_of_orders: '2'}
    length: 5
    [[Prototype]]: Array(0)
    best_5_sell_data: Array(5)
    0: {price: '356.00', quantity: '25', flag: '0', no_of_orders: '1'}
    1: {price: '356.05', quantity: '100', flag: '0', no_of_orders: '2'}
    2: {price: '356.10', quantity: '625', flag: '0', no_of_orders: '6'}
    3: {price: '356.15', quantity: '275', flag: '0', no_of_orders: '2'}
    4: {price: '356.20', quantity: '600', flag: '0', no_of_orders: '4'}
    length: 5
    [[Prototype]]: Array(0)
    close_price: "257.90"
    exchange_timestamp: "1732693223000"
    exchange_type: "2"
    high_price_day: "358.00"
    last_traded_price: "355.95"
    last_traded_quantity: "100"
    last_traded_timestamp: "1732693222"
    low_price_day: "195.10"
    lower_circuit: "5"
    open_interest: "2863000"
    open_interest_change: "-0.056726447615307415"
    open_price_day: "245.00"
    sequence_number: "35843028"
    subscription_mode: "3"
    token: "42948"
    total_buy_quantity: "314175"
    total_sell_quantity: "118200"
    upper_circuit: "94225"
    vol_traded: "14925425

    and for BSE and Commodity symbols greeks data not getting

    any alternative method get data for it.

  • Hello, for previous OI data, use Get Historical OI data API (, the link to documentation is here -

    Also, the option Greeks, is available for only NFO at this moment.

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