AB1017 - Position conversion failed

  • Hi Team, could you please look in to this

    I am trying convertPosition API with below request body and we are getting below error:

    "status": false,
    "message": "Partial Pos Conv Exp Response : RMS:Bad Input",
    "errorcode": "AB1017",
    "data": null

    Request url : https://apiconnect.angelone.in/rest/secure/angelbroking/order/v1/convertPosition

    Request body :

    "exchange": “NFO”,
    "symboltoken": "48505",
    "oldproducttype": "CARRYFORWARD",
    "newproducttype": "CARRYFORWARD",
    "tradingsymbol": "NIFTY17OCT2426200CE",
    "symbolname": "NIFTY",
    "instrumenttype": "OPTIDX",
    "priceden": “1.00”,
    "pricenum": “1.00”,
    "genden": “1.00”,
    "gennum": “1.00”,
    "precision": "2",
    "multiplier": "-1",
    "boardlotsize": "1",
    "buyqty": “0”,
    "sellqty": “25”,
    "buyamount": “0.00”,
    "sellamount": "0",
    "transactiontype": "SELL",
    "quantity": 0,
    "type": "DAY"


    Please let me know solution for the same

  • In above case, you are converting a carry forward position to carry forward position again.

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