Web socket scripts stop at random times

  • Hi @admin ,

    I am running two websocket scripts which subscribe to different et of token (Each subscribe about 40 scripts on average in nse_fo)

    Problem is that the scripts ends at random time without any visible exception or errors though the token is valid. Only pattern I could see is that the hearbeat is not received for TS just before the script completion.

    for example below, the HB was fine till 11:40, next hb is expected at 11:41:11, but its not received and the script fails 15 seconds later (completes without error, but expectation is not to end)

    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-23 11:38:11.052232'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-23 11:39:11.060757'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-23 11:40:11.119478'}
    -- Job completed successfully at 2021/03/23 11:41:26 (GMT+5.5).
    -- End of log.

    I am not sure if this is due to heartbeat fail and retry, I do not have debug logs.

    @rajanprabu @rjbanna , I could see you have posted the debug logs for ws scripts. Could you help me with the ws snippet to capture the exceptions.


  • Hi @pavank we will check it from our end and update you on this.

  • @admin I'm also facing this issue, WebSocket connection closes at random times. around 11AM or around 1:30 PM or around 2:30 PM. sometimes it stops multiple times a day. It happens almost daily.

  • Hi we have tested web socket from today it is working fine from our end.

  • @admin below is my websocket file. insertQWatcher,get* functions are custom ones.

    ## WebSocket
    from logging import exception
    import logging
    from smartapi import WebSocket
    import greenstalk
    import json
    from datetime import datetime
    from ab.getIdxList import getIdxList
    from ab.logConfig import getLogger
    from ab.insertQWatcher import insertQWatcher
    logger      = getLogger('scr_ws_orb')
    atFile      = open('/opt/kite/ab/token/abToken.fi','r')
    atData      = json.loads(atFile.read())
    bnftyQ      = greenstalk.Client(('', 11300),use = 'bnftyQ', watch = 'bnftyQ')
    qList       = 'bnftyQ'   ## Important to add the queue list
    FEED_TOKEN  = atData['feedToken']
    CLIENT_CODE = 'REHR1010'
    nextWeek    = True
    ##This function will return token in required format : 'nse_fo|58999&nse_fo|59000'
    token       = getIdxList('BANKNIFTY',10,nextWeek)  
    task        = 'mw' #"mw"|"sfi"|"dp"
    ss          = WebSocket(FEED_TOKEN, CLIENT_CODE)
    logger.info('Adding tokens into queue watcher!!!')
    logger.info('Added tokens into queue watcher!!!')
    def on_tick(ws, tick):
            for i in tick:
                if 'task' in i.keys():
                    ts          = datetime.now()
                    i['ts']     = ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    tickJson    = json.dumps(i)
                elif i['name'] == 'sf' and 'ltp' in i.keys():   
                    ts          = datetime.now()
                    i['ts']     = ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
                    i['scr']    = 'EQ'
                    tickJson    = json.dumps(i)
                    bnftyQ.put(tickJson)        ##Add tick data to queue
        except Exception as e:
    def on_connect(ws, response):
        ws.websocket_connection() # Websocket connection  
    def on_close(ws, code, reason):   
        ##When ws.stop() is enabled, the script will get stopped when no tick/hb fail
    # Assign the callbacks.
    ss.on_ticks = on_tick
    ss.on_connect = on_connect
    ss.on_close = on_close

  • Hi @rjbanna we will try to review the logs and update you on this issue.Kindly post your client code @ashok to analyze the logs.

  • @admin Try to run whole day. You might get the same issue.

  • Hello @Ashok @rajanprabu @rjbanna web socket worked completely fine from our end.

  • @rajanprabu Looks like during print of HB failed, no data, but once it reconnects, data starts to flow.
    but there is a pause between hb failed and reconnect. also I could see lot of reconnects happening.
    In below snippet, all those logs with userid are reconnect I suppose.

    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    HeartBeats Failed
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.387510'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.387881'}
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.394461'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.394752'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.394985'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.395571'}
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.397835'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.398078'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.401344'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.402240'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.402513'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.402945'}
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.467947'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.468794'}
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    HeartBeats Failed
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    <function on_connect at 0x7f5953218550>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0968362079', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:55:33.507141'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:5

  • @rajanprabu I was getting the data even when heartbeat failed. So I think there is issue with the heartbeat logic.

  • @Ashok

    what I meant was whenever this happened I stopped the script and restarted it. this is what I meant by happened three times..

    were you still getting the data even when it was printing HeartBeats Failed ??

  • Hi @Ashok we are running web socket from last 2 hours we will update you on the issue.

  • @rjbanna @rajanprabu , Yes I got it many times today.
    I do not suspect network here. Zerodha ws is working on same set-up without any stoppage or issues.

    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.171811'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.173677'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.173925'}
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.325233'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.326658'}
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.329653'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.330938'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.332719'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.334177'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.360006'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-31 14:24:40.361450'}
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:40] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats FailedHeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '31/03/2021 14:24:41'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '31/03/2021 14:24:41'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '31/03/2021 14:24:41'}
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/31 14:24:41] HeartBeats Failed

  • @rajanprabu I got it one time today.

  • Hi @rajanprabu we will test it from our end and revert you back.

  • @rjbanna @Ashok

    I got HeartBeat failed message three times today so far.. is it running well for you guys ? It may be my network

  • @rajanprabu @Ashok I also didn't face this issue today. It's working fine for me.

  • Hi @Ashok we will update you on this.

  • @admin

    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:11.170880'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:11.171432'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:11.171963'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:11.172687'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:11] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:11] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:12] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:12'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:12] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:12'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:12'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:12] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:12] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:13'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:13'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:13'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] <function on_connect at 0x7ff5b750d5e0>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0921225492', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:13.286596'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:13.287143'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:13] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:14'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:14'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:14'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:14] <function on_connect at 0x7ff5b750d5e0>
    {'task': 'cn', 'channel': '', 'token': '0921225492', 'user': 'REHR1010', 'acctid': 'REHR1010'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'connected', 'task': 'cn', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:15.025724'}
    {'ak': 'ok', 'msg': 'heartbeat', 'task': 'hb', 'ts': '2021-03-30 13:59:15.026091'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:15'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:15'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:15] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:15'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:15] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:15] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:15] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:15] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:15] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:16'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:16'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:16'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:16] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:16] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:16] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:16] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:16] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:17'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:17'}
    {'name': 'tm', 'tvalue': '30/03/2021 13:59:17'}
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:17] HeartBeats Failed
    [2021/03/30 13:59:18] HeartBeats Failed

  • Hi @Ashok can you post the snip here.

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