How to Unsubscribe Symbol from WebSocket?

  • Documentation mentions the Subscription for any Symbol / ticker by mentioning "task":"mw"

    How can i unsubscribe for any symbol? what should be the task value?

  • @dheepi Checkout this thread that might help.

  • @vishant I did exactly the same... and Yes I tried during market hours.

    Below is my snippet

    ## WebSocket
    from smartapi import WebSocket
    import greenstalk
    import json
    from datetime import datetime
    atFile  = open('/opt/kite/','r')
    atData  = json.loads(
    tQ          = greenstalk.Client(('', 11300))
    FEED_TOKEN  = atData['feedToken']
    CLIENT_CODE = 'xxxxxx'
    token       = 'nse_cm|2885&nse_cm|1594&nse_cm|11536'
    ss = WebSocket(FEED_TOKEN, CLIENT_CODE)
    def on_tick(ws, tick):
        print("Ticks: {}".format(tick))
        for i in tick:
            ts          = 
            i['sysTS']  = ts.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f')
            i['scr']    = 'NFO'
            tickJson    = json.dumps(i)
        for i in tick:
            if 'hb' in i['task']:
    def on_connect(ws, response):
    def on_close(ws, code, reason):
    # Assign the callbacks.
    ss.on_ticks = on_tick
    ss.on_connect = on_connect
    ss.on_close = on_close
    ss.connect( )

  • Hi @dheepi ,

    Have you tried passing the correct value for the token which is mentioned in Doc?
    FYI: multiple token subscriptions will be as mentioned below:


    Also, are you trying to get tick data during market hours / post-market hours? (Post-market hours you won't get any data)

  • @vishant Thanks. Even before that I am struck with Python SDK and WS streaming. I did exactly like the sample code, but only getting heartbeats. Could you help me with the format of the token to pass?

    I am getting only below output;

    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'cn', 'task': 'cn'}]
    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'mw', 'task': 'mw'}]
    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]
    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]
    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]
    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]
    Ticks: [{'ak': 'nk', 'msg': 'hb', 'task': 'hb'}]

  • Hi @dheepi ,

    As per their Documentation there seems no functionality available to subscribe & unsubscribe on the fly.
    One possible solution I have applied to overcome this issue is to disconnect the existing ws connection & re-establish a new connection. (Though it's not the perfect one, but on temporary basis it's doable )
    The exact solution is to have a subscribe & unscubscribe methods to be available for any script.


  • @vishant
    There should be a way to dynamically subscribe/un-subscribe ws feed for a token. Use case is: If I am watching a future derivative of a a index/EQ and want to enter a option position. After entering a option position, I need to watch the tick data of that option to dynamically set my SL/Target or exit.
    I can subscribe to all option data of that derivative, but that will be overkill and unnecessarily process unwanted data and wastes CPU cycles at both the ends.


  • topic:timeago_earlier,14 days

  • Hi @raaxus ,

    Could you please explain more? What are you trying to achieve?

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