Weekly option Contarct

  • Hi,
    Daily morning i will download all symbols from here

    Now i want to place order of this weeks expiry , how to get token...
    If i want to search the file with symbol no standard is followed
    see below example...

    Can you please let me know , how i can search the JSon to get weekly contracts,
    I will be selling ATM stardles .. so my program should automaticly identify based on some logic.
    Ex: Sensex
    "token": "844325",
    "symbol": "SENSEX2521875200CE",
    "name": "SENSEX",
    "expiry": "18FEB2025",
    "strike": "7520000.000000",
    "lotsize": "20",
    "instrumenttype": "OPTIDX",
    "exch_seg": "BFO",
    "tick_size": "5.000000"
    "token": "838214",
    "symbol": "SENSEX25FEB75200CE",
    "name": "SENSEX",
    "expiry": "25FEB2025",
    "strike": "7520000.000000",
    "lotsize": "20",
    "instrumenttype": "OPTIDX",
    "exch_seg": "BFO",
    "tick_size": "5.000000"

  • @Parvez937

    Formats of the symbol names are different
    Monthly options are in the format SENSEX25MAR72400CE
    Weekly options are in the format SENSEX2521875300CE

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