How to post order and fetch historical date using Curl php
Please provide how to post order and fetch historical data using data ?
I want fetch market data (current price and last price) and post buy/sell order using curl php with rest api.
Please provide documentation for this. -
Hi @aksharmty we are working on PHP sdk we will update you on this.
@aksharmty I am using direct HTTP calls to API using Curl and managing response in my classes. To place different orders, I am creating json data and sending it along with proper authorization headers. Fetching data and other profile details using this only. Code part is very detailed, so can't put up all code here. Let me know in case you are stuck in any place. Also as of now historical data is not given by Smart API.
Yes , I want make my bot in php. How can help me? -
@aksharmty This is quite old so just confirming, If you are still stuck with this, let me know. I have implemented similar functionality in PHP and might be able to help you in this.
- topic:timeago_earlier,3 months
Hi @aksharmty , Curl php SDK and historical data will be made available is part of our Phase 2 development.