Hello Team,
Please update for C#.Net sdk or provide the latest dll after fixing such erro.
Hello Team,
Please update for C#.Net sdk or provide the latest dll after fixing such erro.
Hi @admin
I am having error while getting data from getTradeBook() function.
Please help me in this.
When I am using this system giving below error:-
And when I am using
then API provided data why ?
Hi @Moderator_3,
As you mentioned that here (Target price should be greater than limit price & Stoploss price should be less than limit price.)
{'duration': 'DAY', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'ordertype': 'LIMIT', 'price': '257.42', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'quantity': 10, 'stoploss': 2.0, 'squareoff': 5.0, 'tradingsymbol': 'HONASA-EQ', 'transactiontype': 'BUY', 'triggerprice': 0, 'variety': 'ROBO', 'ordertag': 'DFT', 'symboltoken': '19813'}
Here the (price)Limit price is 257.42 and
(squareoff) Target price is 5% and
(stoploss) Stoploss price is 2%
Or you can make 1 video and upload on youtube while buying and selling these 3 scripts(ZEEL-EQ,
Thanks in advance.
Hi @Admin, @Moderator_1 , @Moderator_2, @Moderator_3
Today I was trying to place ROBO order but find below mentioned error:-
{'duration': 'DAY', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'ordertype': 'LIMIT', 'price': '257.42', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'quantity': 10, 'stoploss': 2.0, 'squareoff': 5.0, 'tradingsymbol': 'HONASA-EQ', 'transactiontype': 'BUY', 'triggerprice': 0, 'variety': 'ROBO', 'ordertag': 'DFT', 'symboltoken': '19813'}
Please help me in this why every time this error occurs.
Hii @Moderator_1
when i am running pip install smartapi its showing the below error and when i am running No module named 'SmartApi'
Please help.
@projectSB Hi plz help me in Python. How can we connect ? Facin such Issue while running code in Python:
@Moderator_1 I am not having coding experience in Python, will you plz help me to configure this python sdk.
Re: Error while using WebSocket.
Is there any C# developer who can help me out in this.
Re: ROBO order executing at Market Price
Hello @admin I am also having the same question that can Robo order can be placed at market price?