@admin said in MessageReceived method/function not available in the smart-api.dll:
HI @West2t14
The MessageReceived is not missing in the library, It's there. you has to create an instance of WebSocket class of AngelBroking library as follow then you can get access to this event handler
AngelBroking.WebSocket _WS = new AngelBroking.WebSocket();
var exitEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
_WS.ConnectforStockQuote(sagr.feedToken, Client_code);
if (_WS.IsConnected())
string script = "nse_cm|2885&nse_cm|1594&nse_cm|11536&nse_cm|3045";
_WS.RunScript(sagr.feedToken, Client_code, script, "mw");
_WS.MessageReceived += WriteResult;
//_WS.Close(true);// to stop and close socket connection
Thank you! Will check it out!