• Smart API USER ID or Password is INVALID. I have filled the migration form too. My Client ID is SVAV1058. Please activate it.
    Getting the following error:
    {"status":false,"message":"Login Id or password is invalid","errorcode":"AB1007","data":null}}

    But I am able to login to web using the same credentials.
    Please migrate asap.

  • @kalyanP said in MIGRATE SVAV1058 for API:

    Smart API USER ID or Password is INVALID. I have filled the migration form too. My Client ID is SVAV1058. Please activate it.
    Getting the following error:
    {"status":false,"message":"Login Id or password is invalid","errorcode":"AB1007","data":null}}
    But I am able to login to web using the same credentials.
    Please migrate asap

    we will update you on this.