The SmartAPI call may display incorrect username or password error for accounts registered with our sub-brokers. We are in the process of migrating all the accounts registered with our sub-brokers to a new system in a phased manner. The activity should be completed in the coming few days. Until then to expedite the migration of your account on an immediate basis, please share your client code on this thread or on api@angelbroking.com.
Please note that post migration, you wont be able to access SpeedPro application.
Thank you.
@kripabhat said in "YOUR USER ID OR PASSWORD IS INVALID","errorcode":"AB1007":
I am also facing same issue. My account is new account created online not attached to any sub-brokers. Please check client code K184649
- topic:timeago_earlier,4 months
Hi all,
Apologies for delayed response.
Any Angel one client can access the smartAPI without the migration of ID now. Please reverify and let us know if the issue still occurs.Thanks & Regards,
SmartAPI team - topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
Hi all,
Apologies for delayed response.
Please write to us on smartapi@angelbroking.com if the issue still persistsThanks & Regards,
SmartAPI team - topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
Hi Team, please migrate client ID POOE1079 to smartAPI
Saikat - topic:timeago_earlier,10 days
hi, please migrate CLIENT ID - P156585.
- topic:timeago_earlier,5 months
G382676 migrate this id
- topic:timeago_earlier,4 months
Maigrat my account my client I'd K553363
Hi sir my account maigrat plz sir
My account maigrait
@IRFANSHAH71 said in "YOUR USER ID OR PASSWORD IS INVALID","errorcode":"AB1007":
use your PIN as login Password
AngelBroking get_access_token failed: AB7001 : LoginbyPassword is not allowed. Please switch to Login by MPIN now.
ID M565770 please account migrate
Please migrate - Client Id - T185904
Please Migrate N312297
I am not able to login, showing error as "YOUR USER ID OR PASSWORD IS INVALID" Error Code"AB1007" please migrate my account. client ID: S50078699
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
I am not able to login showin invalid password please migrate my code: K583656
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
ok. -
@admin Kindly migrate client id S1759860 to Smart api.
- topic:timeago_earlier,4 months
I am getting same error:
{'status': False, 'message': 'Login Id or password is invalid', 'errorcode': 'AB1007', 'data': None}
I already migrated my account