Python Sdk websocket not working
Hi Team,
I am using python sdk WebSocket streaming code to get live ticks but we are not getting ticks. Sharing the sample code let us know is there any mistake from our side if not check from your end. With the same code login is working fine and in streaming is not working properly.# package import statement from smartapi import SmartConnect from smartapi import SmartWebSocket #or from smartapi.smartConnect import SmartConnect import pyotp #import smartapi.smartExceptions(for smartExceptions) #create object of call obj=SmartConnect(api_key="r8psjpm9") #optional #access_token = "your access token", #refresh_token = "your refresh_token") #login api call data = obj.generateSession("T41918","****",pyotp.TOTP("****").now()) print(data) refreshToken= data['data']['refreshToken'] #fetch the feedtoken feedToken=obj.getfeedToken() #fetch User Profile userProfile= obj.getProfile(refreshToken) print(userProfile) #place order # feed_token=092017047 print(feedToken) FEED_TOKEN=feedToken CLIENT_CODE="T41918" # token="mcx_fo|224395" token="nse_fo|41665" #SAMPLE: nse_cm|2885&nse_cm|1594&nse_cm|11536&nse_cm|3045 # token="mcx_fo|226745&mcx_fo|220822&mcx_fo|227182&mcx_fo|221599" task="mw" # mw|sfi|dp ss = SmartWebSocket(FEED_TOKEN, CLIENT_CODE) def on_message(ws, message): print("Ticks: {}".format(message)) def on_open(ws): print("on open") ss.subscribe(task,token) def on_error(ws, error): print(error) def on_close(ws): print("Close") # Assign the callbacks. ss._on_open = on_open ss._on_message = on_message ss._on_error = on_error ss._on_close = on_close ss.connect()