Re: Need assistance on web Socket call
I'm using new smart stream api, the api call looks good.
(Sample/Unreleased code- You can find the code on GitHub at
Quote/LTP - update have prices, multiple of 100, so user has to divide it by 100 to get actual price. Is it correct logic or some bug, as I dont understand the reason to do so.
public void onQuoteArrival(Quote quote) {
ZonedDateTime exchangeTime = ZonedDateTime.ofInstant(Instant.ofEpochMilli(quote.getExchangeFeedTimeEpochMillis()), TZ_IST);
String data = String.format("token: %s"
+ " sequenceNumber: %d"
+ " ltp: %.2f"
+ " open: %.2f"
+ " high: %.2f"
+ " low: %.2f"
+ " close: %.2f"
+ " exchangeTime: %s"
+ " exchangeToClientLatency: %s",
(quote.getLastTradedPrice() / 100.0),
(quote.getOpenPrice() / 100.0),
(quote.getHighPrice() / 100.0),
(quote.getLowPrice() / 100.0),
(quote.getClosePrice() / 100.0),
exchangeTime, - quote.getExchangeFeedTimeEpochMillis());
} -
Missing Bid/Offer prices in Quote.
What is the purpose of Quote when you dont have Bid/Offer prices in it?
public void onQuoteArrival(Quote quote)
- Snapshot_Quote
There is no 5 levels of depth as promised in API Doc
I understand the API is still in development, please make sure you correct these issues.