LTP quote not current`

  • @admin
    Are you able to Fix issue? If this is so how can we trust Angel API and make trading??

  • Hi @admin , everyone is having the same issue. can you fix this as soon as possible.?

  • Same issue is happening for me also.. @admin any update on the below.?

  • @admin
    We are all waiting for a response. At least acknowledge that the issue is present.

  • @Admin
    Any updates since morning LTP is showing wrong data

  • @pari @admin @admin123 @administrators

    The data coming from the API is incorrect.

    LTP data is wrong. Instead the closeprice is being returned for ltp.

    What a nightmare! Something like this can wipe out an Algo trader. Within minutes!

  • @pari Same issue for me as well

  • @admin

    Serious Issue

    LTP is coming as Close Price !!!


    [{'symboltoken': '1594', 'symbolname': 'INFY', 'instrumenttype': '', 'priceden': '1.00', 'pricenum': '1.00', 'genden': '1.00', 'gennum': '1.00', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'boardlotsize': '1', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'tradingsymbol': 'INFY-EQ', 'symbolgroup': 'EQ', 'strikeprice': '-1.0', 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'lotsize': '1', 'cfbuyqty': '0', 'cfsellqty': '0', 'cfbuyamount': '0.00', 'cfsellamount': '0.00', 'buyavgprice': '1395.80', 'sellavgprice': '0.00', 'avgnetprice': '1395.80', 'netvalue': '-1395.80', 'netqty': '1', 'totalbuyvalue': '1395.80', 'totalsellvalue': '0.00', 'cfbuyavgprice': '0.00', 'cfsellavgprice': '0.00', 'totalbuyavgprice': '1395.80', 'totalsellavgprice': '0.00', 'netprice': '1395.80', 'buyqty': '1', 'sellqty': '0', 'buyamount': '1395.80', 'sellamount': '0.00', 'pnl': '-7.00', 'realised': '-0.00', 'unrealised': '-7.00', 'ltp': '1388.8', 'close': '1411.55'}, {'symboltoken': '2885', 'symbolname': 'RELIANCE', 'instrumenttype': '', 'priceden': '1.00', 'pricenum': '1.00', 'genden': '1.00', 'gennum': '1.00', 'precision': '2', 'multiplier': '-1', 'boardlotsize': '1', 'exchange': 'NSE', 'producttype': 'INTRADAY', 'tradingsymbol': 'RELIANCE-EQ', 'symbolgroup': 'EQ', 'strikeprice': '-1.0', 'optiontype': '', 'expirydate': '', 'lotsize': '1', 'cfbuyqty': '0', 'cfsellqty': '0', 'cfbuyamount': '0.00', 'cfsellamount': '0.00', 'buyavgprice': '2542.48', 'sellavgprice': '2544.95', 'avgnetprice': '2517.75', 'netvalue': '-2517.75', 'netqty': '1', 'totalbuyvalue': '27967.25', 'totalsellvalue': '25449.50', 'cfbuyavgprice': '0.00', 'cfsellavgprice': '0.00', 'totalbuyavgprice': '2542.48', 'totalsellavgprice': '2544.95', 'netprice': '2517.75', 'buyqty': '11', 'sellqty': '10', 'buyamount': '27967.25', 'sellamount': '25449.50', 'pnl': '39.02', 'realised': '24.70', 'unrealised': '14.32', 'ltp': '2556.8', 'close': '2538.0'}]

  • @pari LTP data not updating for all scripts.
    @admin please reply

  • @admin
    Any response? Why is the ltp not updating. I've stopped the code and restarted a few time, but still getting the same wrong quote.