Live Market Data API is returning AB2001
The Live Market Data API is returning AB2001. The same API was working till last Friday, but today since morning it's throwing errors. Is there anything changed at the API layer? If yes, can you please point me to the release note that describes what has changed?
BTW, why API is throwing HTTP Status Code 200 for an Internal Error state?
Here is the debug screen shot of the error.
hello guys
As of right now, it appears that the Live Market Data API is returning the code "AB2001." This unexpected reaction might point to a problem with processing or retrieving data. In order to give users accurate and trustworthy market information, it is imperative that the fundamental cause be looked into as soon as possible. This anomaly may be quickly resolved with the help of debugging and system log monitoring.
- topic:timeago_earlier,19 days
The Live Market Data API appears to be returning AB2001. This unexpected result might point to a system issue or anomaly in the data. Maintaining accurate and trustworthy market data requires looking into the underlying reason and making the required adjustments.
Hi @Prasun-Pal
Apologies for delayed response.
Market API is working fine from our end. Kindly share us the clientcode, API request, headers passed if issue still persists.Thanks & Regards,
SmartAPI team