Python function for Option Greeks

  • Hi,

    Thanks for providing the feature of option greeks!

    But do you have any dedicated function in python to retrieve these option greeks values?

    E.g. any dedicated function like - individual_order_details(self, qParam) will be helpful.

    If you already dedicated python function, please let us know.


  • Hi @godboleamit,

    We are currently working on providing this functionality in Python SDK. It will be released soon.

    Thank you.

    SmartAPI Team

  • Hey @hardip, getOptionGreeks() function is not defined. You will need to add this function yourself.

  • @godboleamit .Not works. getOptionGreeks not define

  • @godboleamit

    For those who need this function to get Option Greeks.

    1. Please go to the file -
    2. Add the following function to the file -
         def getOptionGreeks(self, name, expirydate):
            optiongreeks = self._postRequest("", {"name": name,"expirydate": expirydate})
            return optiongreeks
    1. Add one more line to the routes variable - (Look at the second line)
    "api.allholding": "/rest/secure/angelbroking/portfolio/v1/getAllHolding",
    "": "/rest/secure/angelbroking/marketData/v1/optionGreek",
    "api.individual.order.details": "/rest/secure/angelbroking/order/v1/details/",
    1. Call a function as follows -
    optionGreeks = smartApi.getOptionGreeks('TCS', '29FEB2024')

    You will get the required response.