Web Socket Not Streaming
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Created on Wed Nov 8 14:18:05 2023@author: sspra
"""Importing Libraries
from SmartApi import SmartConnect
from SmartApi.smartWebSocketV2 import SmartWebSocketV2
from logzero import logger
import os
working_dir = os.chdir("D:\Angel Broking Kosal")
import datetime as dt
import pyotp
import kosalauth
import urllib
import json
import pandas as pd
import pandas_ta as indi
import ta
import schedule
import time
import numpy as np
import threading
import pytz
import requests
import gspread
UTC = pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')User Inputs
START_TIME = [10,7,0] # Algo Start Time
EXIT_TIME = [10,10,0] # Algo End Time
Fresh_Buy_Entry_TP = 0.03
Fresh_sell_Entry_TP = 0.03
Buy_Continue_TP = 0.03
Sell_Continue_TP = 0.03
profit_dist = 1.0025
lot = 1
Stop_Loss = 0.02List of stocks to Trade
#Ticker = ["KOTAKBANK"]
Angel Api Login
smartApi = SmartConnect(kosalauth.apikey)
data = smartApi.generateSession(kosalauth.clientId, kosalauth.pin, pyotp.TOTP(kosalauth.token).now())Download Scrip Master File
def download_token_list_csv():
# getting instrument Token instrument_url = "https://margincalculator.angelbroking.com/OpenAPI_File/files/OpenAPIScripMaster.json" response = urllib.request.urlopen(instrument_url) instrument_list = json.loads(response.read()) token_list = pd.DataFrame(instrument_list) token_list.to_csv("angel scripmaster.csv") print("Token list download completed.")
Getting Instrument
instrument_df = pd.read_csv('angel scripmaster.csv')
Getting Token No
def instrument_lookup(instrument=instrument_df,sym='KOTAKBANK'):
instrument = instrument[(instrument.exch_seg=="NSE")]
instrument = instrument[instrument['symbol'].str.endswith('-EQ')]
## This function used to find instrument token number
return instrument[(instrument.name==sym)&(instrument.exch_seg=="NSE")].token.values[0]
return -1getting symbol name
def symbol_lookup(instrument=instrument_df,sym='KOTAKBANK'):
instrument = instrument[(instrument.exch_seg=="NSE")]
instrument = instrument[instrument['symbol'].str.endswith('-EQ')]
## This function used to find instrument symbol name
return instrument[(instrument.name==sym)&(instrument.exch_seg=="NSE")].symbol.values[0]
return -1Streamin Data Starts Here
AUTH_TOKEN = data['data']['jwtToken']
API_KEY = kosalauth.apikey
CLIENT_CODE = kosalauth.clientId
FEED_TOKEN = smartApi.getfeedToken()correlation_id = "abc123"
action = 1
mode = 1ticker_codes = []
for ticker in Ticker:
token = instrument_lookup(instrument=instrument_df, sym=ticker)
if token != -1:
ticker_codes.append(token)Initialize spot prices dictionary
spot_prices = {ticker: None for ticker in Ticker}
Ticker_list to subscribe
token_list = [{"exchangeType": 1, "tokens": ticker_codes}]
def on_data(wsapp, message):
#logger.info("Ticks: {}".format(message))
# Update spot_prices dictionary with the latest last_traded_price
for ticker in Ticker:
if 'token' in message and message['token'] == str(instrument_lookup(instrument_df, sym=ticker)):
spot_prices[ticker] = message.get('last_traded_price')/100def on_open(wsapp):
logger.info("on open")
sws.subscribe(correlation_id, mode, token_list)def on_error(wsapp, error):
logger.error(error)def on_close(wsapp):
logger.info("Close")def close_connection():
sws.close_connection()Assign the callbacks.
sws.on_open = on_open
sws.on_data = on_data
sws.on_error = on_error
sws.on_close = on_closeDefine the function to run the streaming
def stream_data():
sws.connect()Define the function to stop streaming and close the connection
def stop_streaming():
sws.unsubscribe(correlation_id, mode, token_list)
close_connection()Create threads for streaming and stopping
stream_thread = threading.Thread(target=stream_data)
stop_thread = threading.Thread(target=stop_streaming)Start the streaming thread
stream_thread.start()Algo Start Here
start =dt.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata'))
closetime = start.replace(hour=START_TIME[0],minute=START_TIME[1],second=START_TIME[2])
interval = (closetime-start).total_seconds()
if interval > 0:
print('Algo will Run at ',START_TIME[0],':',START_TIME[1],' Remaining Time Left = ',interval,' sec')
print('Algo Starting Now!!!')endTime = dt.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')).replace(hour=EXIT_TIME[0], minute=EXIT_TIME[1],second=EXIT_TIME[2]) while dt.datetime.now(pytz.timezone('Asia/Kolkata')) < endTime: try: for i in Ticker: print("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n") print("------------ Angel One Paper Trading Stock Future -------------\n") print("-----------------------------------------------------------------\n") print('Spot prices of',i,' ',spot_prices[i]) time.sleep(5) except Exception as e: print("Error:",e) print("Oops!", e.__class__, "occurred.")
Stop the streaming and close the connection
out put coming like this
C:\Users\sspra\AppData\Local\Temp\ipykernel_516\4065157227.py:1: DtypeWarning: Columns (1) have mixed types. Specify dtype option on import or set low_memory=False.
instrument_df = pd.read_csv('angel scripmaster.csv')
[I 240312 16:40:38 4065157227:65] Close
[I 240312 16:40:38 4065157227:65] Close
Attempting to resubscribe/reconnect...