Attempting to resubscribe/reconnect Websocket2

  • I have used the code mentioned in git repo
    I initially did get the ticks for 8 stocks/options for about a 1 min.
    I launched my program 4-5 times since wanted to log and test ticks I received.
    Then, started getting "Attempting to resubscribe/reconnect Websocket2" again and again.
    everytime with no code change.
    Is there a rate limit of the amount of tick data we can received in a day or so ?
    I only subscribed 7-8 stock/options . But relaunched my program 8-10 times before receiving above error.

  • Hi @coolankurmahe

    Apologies for the delayed response.
    Kindly share us the client code and issue timing to analyze the issue from our end.

    SmartAPI team