Not able to login with email under <enable totp> gives 'try later' error

  • I have enabled totp already but had failed to note the token completely.
    When I tried to login with my email address, the <enable totp> section of the site
    first asks for mpin instead of password and when entered, gives an error message o 'try again later' rather than forcing us to enter client id.

    Workaround: Use Client ID instead of email address and mpin

    Ideal method of working:
    Allow either email, client id or phone no as 'userid'
    Allow password as the password and not mpin

  • @Moderator_1
    Thank you for the reply. This is an ease-of-use question not an application working question.

    Please see the following steps to reproduce the issue.

    1. Login as new user to the site.
    2. Enable TOTP
    3. Log out and Login as the same user
    4. Clicking on TOTP site shows a second login to the site asking client id and mpin.

    Core issue: UX issue Why are you asking me for a login again?
    Is the user not validated on the main site?
    If yes, why ask for client id and mpin here while you allow email and pass on the main site?

    Hope you see the subtle question here. It works as it stands, but not smooth.

  • @GoobeNanMaga

    1. Login to app is through either through
      Client ID or mobile number .
    2. Login to web trade angelone is also either through
      Client ID or mobile number .
    3. Login to smartapi Forum is through
      Email id
    4. Login to smartapi web portal is also through
      Email id if I remember
    5. Login in to: enable Totp is through
      Client ID

    For security reasons smartapi and forum it is better to use email id as login credentials so that other will not be knowing Client ID which is essential not to reveal so that others may not missuse or do any tractions related to stokes or trade or finance in case if confidential is hacked.

    For the security reasons I think login credentials are having different abstraction so that unwanted info are suppressed so that it may not be revealed to public !

  • Hello @GoobeNanMaga,

    Email Address and password are used to login to the SmartAPI website wherein you can create apps and API keys for trading. Client ID, MPIN and TOTP are used to login to Angel One's Trading Platform wherein you do your trading activity, viz place orders, get Historical data, subscribe to data feed et. al. TOTP is not required to login to SmartAPI website.

    Please let us know if you still have any issues.

    Thank you.
    SmartAPI Team