Status 403 in generateSession
@Moderator_1 @Moderator_2 @Moderator_3 I am using smartapi-javascript And placing 4 order at same time. Every time while placing order generateSession is called. But Sometime generate session is giving Status 403 and out of 4 2 or 3 order are getting placed. What is solution for this?
@Moderator_3 We can do that for buying but for selling all 4 might be at the same time or at different times according to their targets. this cannot be done. As we are buying 4 different strike prices and selling after 20 points profit which depends on a lot of things whether it will be sold at the same time or not.
Hello @rozodkarbharat
Can you please reduce the generate session api call to one time and then you can place 4 orders,Generate api call should be one.
SmaertAPI Team