Order not booked due to order price exceeding circuit limit
Hi @Moderator_1 @Moderator_2 @Moderator_3 ,
I was trying to place a order using the placeOrder method of python sdk. The method returned the booked orderId. But in the app, it showed order was not executed due to orderPrice exceeds circuit limit.
Here is the params body :
orderParam1 = {
"variety": "NORMAL",
"tradingsymbol": symbol1, //BANKNIFTY26JUN2452900CE
"symboltoken": str(name_to_token[symbol1]),
"transactiontype": "SELL",
"exchange": "NFO",
"ordertype": "MARKET",
"producttype": "CARRYFORWARD",
"duration": "DAY",
"price": str(currCE),
"squareoff": "0",
"stoploss": "0",
"quantity": "15"
What is the cause? Why cannot I place a order at current price?? -
Hi @Moderator_3,
The order was placed when I set the "price" : "0". Earlier the price was set at the current LTP.
Still you can have a look.
Order id: 240626000912964
Client id: B454713 -
Hello @rohit4417k
Could you please provide the orderId and clientId So that we can have a look in to it
SmartAPI Team