Response Text: {"success":false,"message":"Invalid Token","errorCode":"AG8001","data":""}

  • running below code and seeing error
    function fetchLtpBEL() {
    var apiKey = 'Skeo2eR1';
    var accessToken = '6591cba1-ed00-4e56-a88b-8d47fc21ff10';
    var symbolToken = '500049'; // Replace with the actual symbol token for BEL
    var exchange = 'NSE'; // National Stock Exchange

    // Angel One API endpoint for LTP
    var endpoint = '';

    var payload = {
    "symboltoken": symbolToken,
    "exchange": exchange

    var headers = {
    "Content-Type": "application/json",
    "Authorization": "Bearer " + accessToken,
    "x-api-key": apiKey

    var options = {
    "method": "POST",
    "headers": headers,
    "payload": JSON.stringify(payload),
    "muteHttpExceptions": true

    try {
    var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(endpoint, options);
    var responseText = response.getContentText();

    Logger.log('Response Code: ' + response.getResponseCode());
    Logger.log('Response Text: ' + responseText);
    var data = JSON.parse(responseText);
    if (data && {
      var ltp =[0].ltp; // Assuming 'ltp' is the field for Last Traded Price
      Logger.log('BEL LTP: ' + ltp);
      return ltp;
    } else {
      Logger.log('Error: LTP data not found in response');
      Logger.log('Full response: ' + JSON.stringify(data));

    } catch (error) {
    Logger.log('Error fetching LTP data: ' + error);

  • Hi @hari-12345678 Kindly make sure "Invalid Token" occurs while request initiated with expired/unauthorized token on any smartAPI. We expect the client to login everyday to consume the provided APIs. Kindly pass the recently fetched token via API and Please share us the API request, and header passed to analyze further if the issue still occurs.

    SmartAPI Team.