SENSEX contract name for jun and july

  • Naming convention documentation link :

    Weekly option Name:
    23N03 denotes the year (23), month (N for November), and the date (03) of the expiry.
    66400CE specifies the strike price followed by CE or PE.

    Monthly Option name:
    23OCT denotes the year (23) and the month (OCT) for monthly expiries.
    66400CE specifies the strike price followed by CE or PE.

    What would be the weekly option expiry for sensex Contract for expiry of "Friday 20 June 2025"
    and "Friday 11 July 2025"

    If we choose N for November for weekly option contract name so what would be june and july name convention :
    IT would be confusing
    For June : 25J20
    For july : 25J11

    or we should use Monthly name for jun and jul
    For June : 25JUN20
    For july : 25JUL11