Historical api data is showing incorrect data for NSE equity token

  • {
    "exchange": "NSE",
    "symboltoken": "11536",
    "interval": "ONE_DAY",
    "fromdate": "2024-08-01 00:00",
    "todate": "2024-08-05 00:00"

    4399.4, 4419.3, 4365.05, 4397.1, 2202244],
    4365, 4398, 4270, 4283.05, 2811282],
    4239, 4239, 4110.5, 4155.05, 2787771],
    4170.95, 4258.25, 4160.8, 4171.2, 2203067]

    value returned was totally not matching, can you please let us know is there any change in the payload ?
    Below endpoint, was tried

  • Please verify the data again from the charts.

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