Tick value not getting accurate result after resample

  • Hello,

    I am using Python SDK for getting OHLC along with volume for nifty500 stock every 5 minutes

    As we have Rate Limit for default sdk's functionality if we want to get above details so due over come i am use to get every stock's tick by tick data
    Every 5 min i am resample tick data to 5 min's datafram and find OHLC but it's value is not matching with real chart of angle one.

  • @Dharmik when your historical API hits at an odd time, eg, 10:00:14, the close price you'll get would be of that moment, it will not be equal to the close price on the 5 min candle, which would be of 10:00:00. Similarly, other parameters of OLHCV could also differ.