Is GitHub - "SmartAPI C#/.Net library" in working state?

  • HI,
    I am C# developer and want to start working with AngelOne's Algo trading using SmartApi.

    For the same, I downloaded the Sample C# project from "" , its getting compiled , but while putting my details (like Client_code, Password, api_key) and run it , it does not create session during below statement of Program.cs file...

    obj = connect.GenerateSession(Client_code, Password);

    Rather it returns http_code:"AB1050" and http_error:"Invalid totp" in the "obj" object (even-when TOTP entry is not mentioned in the class file)

    This Github project "SmartAPI C#/.Net library" is recommended in "" page.

    Is this sample project in working state?
    If so, Please suggest how to proceed.
