Hi, Most often i get the getLTP error .
Here is snippet of the payload and response-
you can see my token is correct.
07/06/2021 08:19:47 AM LTP PAYLOAD-{"exchange": "NFO", "tradingsymbol": "NIFTY29JUL21FUT", "symboltoken": "53181"}
07/06/2021 08:19:48 AM GET LTP retries=1
07/06/2021 08:19:48 AM ltp responsedate={'success': False, 'message': 'Invalid Token', 'errorCode': 'AG8001', 'data': ''} -
HI @PandaTrade currently we have no update on this.
@admin any update on this!!
I am getting this error again today.
Why is it that your team has not made this api call stable.?? - topic:timeago_earlier,19 days
HI @PandaTrade We have reported this to the team.
@admin it happened again yesterday between market open till around 11.
HI @PandaTrade It happened due to some intermediate issue our team is working on it once this is fix we will update you.
Any update for the same?
What remedial actions have you taken -
@admin It has happened today almost 5 times.
And as a result i missed my entry.. This issue is proving costly to my strategy.. -
HI @PandaTrade We have submitted your client id to the team for checking the logs we will update you.
@admin Any update from your end!!
@admin sent you my client code in the IM.
FYI,I got the same error even today. -
This post is deleted! -
HI @PandaTrade ltp functions seems to be working fine.Please send us the client code.
@vvbchandrasekhar LTP stops working suddenly for options.
nse_fo|38905&nse_fo|38902 -
@vvbchandrasekhar yes its works for future
@PandaTrade I don't think LTP works on index and options. is it working for any?
@admin Please run the test in a loop by giving 1s sleep in between the API call.
I am sure you will encounter the problem. -
HI @PandaTrade we will test it and update you.