How to get Symbol Token for options
I want to place sell order for ATM strike for Banknifty call and put at the same time. How can i fetch symbol token?
HI@mishipal said in How to get Symbol Token for options:
guys i am having hard time getting token list. Can someone share some code. I am making a winforms application
please go through below link -
guys i am having hard time getting token list. Can someone share some code. I am making a winforms application
- topic:timeago_earlier,7 days
Are you calling angel api / sdk in C# Console application OR Web application?
@admin That would work. Thank you
HI @TradeMonk This token nos dont change in day they change as the expiry changes.
@admin How token number changes? Weekly? Daily or monthly?
I mean if I can download at the start of day, will it work for the whole day? Does token change during day?
What is frequency of update in this file? -
Hi @mishipal please go through below link