Token Value for Indices
Hi, I am not able to find token for following Indices, I am not able to find from,
Please provide me Token Value for below Indices:-
NIFTY FIN SERVICE|Nifty CPSE|Nifty PSU Bank|Nifty Pharma|Nifty SML100 Free|Nifty MID100 Free|Nifty GS
Compsite|Nifty GS 15YrPlus|Nifty GS 11 15Yr|Nifty GS 4 8Yr|Nifty GS 10Yr Cln|Nifty GS 10Yr|Nifty GS 8 13Yr|INDIA VIX|LIX
15|CNX Media|Nifty PSE|Nifty FMCG|Nifty Auto|Nifty 50|Nifty50 USD|Nifty 500|Nifty Next 50|Nifty Midcap 100|Nifty
IT|Nifty 200|Nifty 100|Nifty BankBSE:
{"token":"99926037","symbol":"Nifty Fin Service","name":"NIFTY FIN SERVICE","expiry":"","strike":"0.000000","lotsize":"0","instrumenttype":"AMXIDX","exch_seg":"NSE","tick_size":"0.000000"}
{"token":"99926037","symbol":"Nifty Fin Service","name":"NIFTY FIN SERVICE","expiry":"","strike":"0.000000","lotsize":"0","instrumenttype":"AMXIDX","exch_seg":"NSE","tick_size":"0.000000"}
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 years
HI @Abhishesh88 You can get ltp for sensex you will get it through passing task as "sfi" in websocket.
@admin what will be token for BSE SENSEX to get LTP using API
@fcoder nope. I did not use those and hence, I did not check.
@mihirk Thanks Mihirk. However, when I try to stream for 26000, it only provide ltp,prev close,net chage, chang per. No high low value. For e.g. [{"cng":"75.05","e":"nse_cm","c":"15885.15","nc":"00.47","name":"sf","ltp":"15960.20","tk":"26000","ltt":"NA"}. Even ltt is NA. Do you have any idea how to get ohlc with timestamp for 26000.
Nifty 50 and Bank nifty indices code are nse_cm|26000&nse_cm|26009 repsectively.
I found it in openAPIScriptMaster. -
@admin what should be token value for nifty50 and banknifty. In OpenAPIScriptMaster, I can find nifty50 but exch_seg:cds. Is this correct? Basically I want to get streaming data for nifty50 index and near month nifty 50 future contract. It will be of great help if you can share token for both.
HI @Abhishesh88 Pass task as "sfi" for subscribing index data.
please go through task feed in below doc: -
@admin I want to get Token for Indices so that, i can pull data from socket for each token that is required to call socket API. Can you tell me how to find token for Indices name. I am sure it is available in your OpenAPIScriptMaster, but we are not able to find way to find token for above Indices.
HI @yash12392 You want to fetch historical data or live feeds.?
@Abhishesh88 if it's not available in that file then Angel does not provide data for that.
@admin Please help me ASAP
@admin Please Help me