Login problem A209085
My login problem
HI @S139112 kindly fill below form
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
please migrate my account my id is s139112
HI @raghuram You filled the form today itself you hold account under sub broker we will get the consent from the sb and then migrate your account.
@admin form filled and updated
Access token not working please activate or migrate my AC no is R449621
- topic:timeago_earlier,21 days
HI @B160410 kindly fill below form
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
please migrate my account b160410
- topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
hi @BEBILAL kindly fill below form
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdgpCiDhSBa_bsKsec002e9unbeQkipOLFAKW7DzPvmiowsaw/viewform -
Please Migrate My Account. My Anjel id is B71852
- topic:timeago_earlier,13 days
Hi @dinesh-damor we have noted your accout id for migration
- topic:timeago_earlier,23 days
- topic:timeago_earlier,about a month
@admin thanks
HI @PANKAJRANA616 We have initiated the migration process.we will update you.
please migrate my user id SNKO1008
@admin - topic:timeago_earlier,2 months
migrate my account MJMN1023
@A209085 A209085 account id is migrated. Please reset your password on trade.angelbroking.com